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The Underground Economy (96th Congress)
Employmnet-Unemployment Part 16 (96th Congress)
The 1980 Midyear Review of the Economy - The Recession and the Recovery (96th Congress)
Central City Businesses - Plans and Problems (96th Congress)
Soviet Economy in a Time of Change Volume II (96th Congress)
The State of the Economy (96th Congress)
National Railroad Trust Fund (96th Congress)
Government Regulation - Achieving Social and Economic Balance (96th Congress)
Inflationary Impact of Department of Agriculture Paperwork (96th Congress)
The President's New Anti-Inflation Program (96th Congress)
Environmental and Health-Safety Regulations, Productivity Growth, and Economic Performance - An Assessment (96th Congress)
Issues in East-West Commercial Relations (96th Congress)
Economic Consequences of the Revolution in Iran (96th Congress)
Employment Impact of the Solar Transition (96th Congress)
The Impact of an Accelerated Coal-Based Synfuels Program on Western Water Resources (96th Congress)
Productivity - The Foundation of Growth (96th Congress)
State and Local Finance - Adjustments in a Changing Economy (96th Congress)
Deteriorating Infrastructure in Urban and Rural Areas (96th Congress)
Averting Catastrophe - The Global Challenge (96th Congress)
Domestic and International Implications of the Federal Reserve's New Policy Actions (96th Congress)
The Impact of the Soviet Grain Embargo on Rail and Barge Transportation (96th Congress)
Tax Policy and Core Inflation (96th Congress)
The Political Economy of the Middle East - 1973-78 (96th Congress)
The 1980 Economic Report of the President, Part II (96th Congress)
The Cost of Racial Discrimination (96th Congress)