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The Effects of Structural Employment and Training Programs on Inflation and Unemployment (96th Congress)
Midyear Review of the Economy (96th Congress)
The Dollar, Inflation, and US Monetary Policy (96th Congress)
Rail Deregulation - Market Dominance, Contract Rates, and Exemptions (96th Congress)
Indochinese Refugees - The Impact on First Asylum Countries and Implication for American Policy (96th Congress)
Federal Finance - The Pursuit of American Goals (96th Congress)
Housing and the Economy (96th Congress)
Monitoring Inflation Part 3 (96th Congress)
East Asia Study Mission, January 5-14, 1980 (96th Congress)
Energy Conservation - Emerging Consensus Diverging Commitment (96th Congress)
Research and Innovation - Developing a Dynamic Nation (96th Congress)
Stagflation - The Causes, Effects, and Solutions (96th Congress)
Soviet Economy in a Time of Change Volume I (96th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 14 (96th Congress)
Forecasting the Supply Side of the Economy (96th Congress)
US Export Competitiveness (96th Congress)
Is the Urban Crisis Over (96th Congress)
Savings and Economic Growth (96th Congress)
Public Works as a Countercyclical Tool (96th Congress)
Impact of Energy Prices and Inflation on American Families (96th Congress)
Capital Formation and Inflation (96th Congress)
Productivity in the Federal Government (96th Congress)
Minority Employment Opportunities 1980-85 (96th Congress)
A Minority Business Sector - A Vehicle for Regional Growth (96th Congress)
Department of Defense Contract Profit Policy (96th Congress)