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Monitoring Inflation Part 4 (96th Congress)
1980 Supplement to Economic Indicators (96th Congress)
The Impact of Rail Coal Shipping Rate Increases (96th Congress)
US-Japanese Trade Relations (96th Congress)
The Effective Utilization of Small Businesses To Promote Economic Growth (96th Congress)
State and Local Government Finances and the Changing Natinoal Economy (96th Congress)
Nuclear Powerplant Shutdowns - Who Pays (96th Congress)
Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China—1979, Part 5 (96th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 15 (96th Congress)
Stagflation (96th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 13 (96th Congress)
Crisis in the Bond Market (96th Congress)
The Economy of 1981 - A Bipartisan Look (96th Congress)
Alcohol Fuels Policy Part II (96th Congress)
Productivity (96th Congress)
Alcohol Fuels Policy Part I (96th Congress)
Regional Impact of Current Recession (96th Congress)
State and Local Budget Surpluses and the Effect of Federal Macroeconomic Policies (96th Congress)
Social Security and Pensions - Programs of Equity and Security (96th Congress)
US Trade and Investment Policy - Imports and the Future of the American Automobile Industry (96th Congress)
The US Role in a Changing World Political Economy Major Issues for the 96th Congress (96th Congress)
The Great Depression - Can It Happen Again (96th Congress)
Outlook on Venezuela's Petroleum Policy (96th Congress)
The Global 2000 Report (96th Congress)
The Outlook for Housing and the Thrifts - 1980 (96th Congress)