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Expectations and the Economy (97th Congress)
State and Local Economic Development Strategy - A Supply Side Perspective (97th Congress)
Location of High Technology Firms and Regional Economic Development (97th Congress)
China Under the Four Modernizations Part I (97th Congress)
Versailles Summit and the World Economy - High Interest Rates and Protectionism (97th Congress)
Economics of Defense Policy - Adm. H. G. Rickover Part VI (97th Congress)
The MX Missile and Strategic Programs (97th Congress)
United States-Japan Cooperation in High-Speed Passenger Rail Service (97th Congress)
High Technology and Regional Development (97th Congress)
The Importance of Agriculture to the US Economy Part II (97th Congress)
East-West Trade - The Prospects to 1985 (97th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 20 (97th Congress)
Political Economy and Constitutional Reform Part I (97th Congress)
Political Economy and Constitutional Reform Part II (97th Congress)
Natural Gas Deregulation (97th Congress)
The Gold Standard - Its History and Record Against Inflation (97th Congress)
Economics of Defense Procurement - The C-5A and Strategic Mobility Part I (96th Congress)
Energy and Materials - A Shortage of Resources or Commitment (96th Congress)
The Effects of Structural Employment and Training Programs on Inflation and Unemployment (96th Congress)
Monitoring Inflation Part I (96th Congress)
Economics of Defense Procurement Shipbuilding Claims Part III (96th Congress)
Issues in Federal Finance (96th Congress)
The 1980 Midyear Review of the Economy (96th Congress)
Human Resources and Demographics - Characteristics of People and Policy (96th Congress)
Productivity and Inflation (96th Congress)