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Impact of the 1981 Personal Income Tax Reduction on Income Distribution (97th Congress)
Shortages in Skilled Labor (97th Congress)
Incomes Policies - The Case of Scandinavia (97th Congress)
The Defense Program and the Economy Part I (97th Congress)
Soviet Pipeline Sanctions - The European Perspective (97th Congress)
Alternatives to Current Federal Reserve Policy (97th Congress)
Soviet Economy in the 1980s - Problems and Prospects Part II (97th Congress)
The Regional and Urban Impacts of the Administration's Budget and Tax Proposals (97th Congress)
The Mercantilist Challenge to the Liberal International Trade Order (97th Congress)
Local Economic Development Strategies (97th Congress)
The M-1 Tank and NATO Readiness (97th Congress)
The State of the Economy in Indiana (97th Congress)
Robotics and the Economy (97th Congress)
Cuba Faces the Economic Realities of the 1980s (97th Congress)
Role of the Venture Capital Industry in the American Economy (97th Congress)
Trends in the Fiscal Condition of Cities - 1979-1981 (97th Congress)
Austrian Incomes Policy - Lessons for the United States (97th Congress)
The Reagan Economic Program and High Interest Rates (97th Congress)
Economic Status of Women (97th Congress)
Enterprise Zones - The Concept Part 2 (97th Congress)
The Natural Rate of Unemployment (97th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 19 (97th Congress)
International Competition in Advanced Industrial Sectors - Trade and Development in the Semiconductor Industry (97th Congress)
A High Speed Passenger Rail System for the United States (97th Congress)
Economics of Defense Policy - Adm. H. G. Rickover Part IV (97th Congress)