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Review of the Houston Economic Summit (101st Congress)
The Economic Status of African Americans (101st Congress)
Manufacturing Extension Programs (101st Congress)
Who Is Us - National Interest in an Age of Global Industry (101st Congress)
Pressures for Reform in the East European Economies Volume II (101st Congress)
Inflation (101st Congress)
Deregulation - Perspectives of Economist Regulators (101st Congress)
Crisis in the Workplace - The Mismatch of Jobs and Skills (101st Congress)
The Soviet Economic Crisis (101st Congress)
Economic Adjustment After the Cold War (101st Congress)
Roundtable Discussions with US Winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics - Lawrence R. Klein (101st Congress)
The Japanese Market - How Open Is It (101st Congress)
Towards Rural Development Policy for the 1990s - Enhancing Income and Employment Opportunities (101st Congress)
US Economic Policymaking (101st Congress)
Europe 1992 - Long-Term Implications for the US Economy (101st Congress)
Public Investment in Human and Physical Infrastructure (101st Congress)
The 1990 Economic Report of the President (101st Congress)
Review of the Houston Economic Summit (101st Congress)
Education - US Economic Performance and the Federal Rule (101st Congress)
Measuring Poverty (101st Congress)
The Economic Outlook at Midyear (101st Congress)
Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China (101st Congress)
The International Adjustment Process (101st Congress)
European Developments and the US Economy (101st Congress)
The Economy at Midyear - A Legacy of Debt (100th Congress)