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Economic Diplomacy in Japan (102nd Congress)
The Outlook for Jobs and the Economy (102nd Congress)
Teenage Pregnancy - The Economic and Social Costs (102nd Congress)
Making the Environment Count (102nd Congress)
Roundtable Conversations on the State of the Economy and Economic Policy Part III (102nd Congress)
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (102nd Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 40 (102nd Congress)
New Alternatives to Community Distress (102nd Congress)
Foreign Direct Investment (102nd Congress)
Central Bank-Government Relations in Major OECD Countries (102nd Congress)
Monetary Policy for 1993 (102nd Congress)
Developing the Nation's Telecommunication Infrastructure (102nd Congress)
Reinventing Government - Restructuring the Public Sector to Deliver More for Less (102nd Congress)
Roundtable Conversations on the State of the Economy and Economic Policy Part II (102nd Congress)
US-Latin American Economic Relations (102nd Congress)
Financial Implications of Soviet Economic Reform (102nd Congress)
CO2 Stabilization and Economic Growth (102nd Congress)
The 1991 Economic Report of the President (102nd Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 45 (102nd Congress)
US Agriculture (102nd Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 43 (102nd Congress)
Arms Trade and Nonproliferation (102nd Congress)
Federal Reserve Monetary Policy and Credit Conditions (102nd Congress)
The Structure of the Hospital Industry in the 21st Century (102nd Congress)
The London Economic Summit (102nd Congress)