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JEC Event: Press Conference on New GAO Report on Gender Pay Differences

Washington, D.C.
– Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), former Chair of the JEC, will hold a press conference on Thursday, November 3rd, at 12:15 p.m. EST to discuss a the gender-wage gap among low-wage and less-educated workers.

The press conference will highlight a new report by the GAO entitled, “Gender Pay Differences: Progress Made but Women Overrepresented Among Low-wage Workers,” which shows that on average, women with a high school degree or less earned lower hourly wages than men with a high school degree or less. Among these less-educated workers, women tended to work in industries and occupations that had lower wages than those in which men worked. The report was requested by Rep. Carolyn Maloney in 2010, when she chaired the JEC, and will be presented jointly with Senator Bob Casey, current Chairman of the JEC.

WHAT: Press Conference on new GAO report entitled, “Gender Pay Differences: Progress Made but Women Overrepresented Among Low-wage Workers

WHOSenator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee

             Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), former Chair of the JEC

              Ms. Marcia D. Greenberger, Co-President of the National Women’s Law Center

              Ms. Michele Leber, Chair of the National Committee on Pay Equity

              Ms. Lisa Maatz, Chair of the Paycheck Fairness Coalition and Director of Public Policy and
              Government Relations for AAUW

WHEN: 12:15 pm EST, Thursday, November 3, 2011

WHERE: S-120, the Hugh Scott Room

Directions for groups arriving at the Capitol

Enter the Capitol through the north screening facility, proceeding up the ramp to the north door. Upon entering the building, continue about 75 feet. The Senate Appointments Desk will be on the left before the gift shop. Obtain passes from the Appointments Desk to continue through the Capitol. Turn left by the Appointments Desk. S-120 is located half-way down the hall on the right.

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