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Report Archive - 109th Congress
December 2006 Joint Economic Committee 2006 Annual Report: Ranking Minority Member's Views and Links to Minority Reports
November 2006 Relying on the Kindness of Strangers: Foreign Holdings of U.S. Treasury Debt
September 2006 Some Perspective on Bush Administration Economic Claims
August 2006 Losing Ground: The Middle Class in the Bush Economy
August 2006 Poverty Rate Unchanged From 2004, Up Since 2000
August 2006 The Number of Americans Without Health Insurance Rose for the Fifth Year in a Row in 2005
August 2006 Household Income Up Slightly in 2005, But Down Since 2000
August 2006 Strange Bedfellows: Minimum Wage Workers and the Wealthy
June 2006 We'll Be Forever in Their Debt: The Economic Consequences of Irresponsible Budget Policy
June 2006 Who Will Pay for Repealing the Estate Tax?
May 2006 Highlights of the 2006 Social Security Trustees' Report
May 2006 Highlights of the 2006 Medicare Trustees' Report
April 2006 How Strong Is the Economic Recovery and Is Everyone Benefiting?
April 2006 An Overview of the Gender Earnings Gap
April 2006 Measuring Poverty
April 2006 Administration's Health Insurance Tax Credit Proposal Fails to Provide a Real Solution to the Uninsured
April 2006 Fact Sheet: The Impact on Families of the FY 2007 House Budget Resolution
March 2006 Administration's Health Insurance Proposals: A Boon to the Healthy and Wealthy but No Help for the Uninsured
March 2006 The Effects of the President's Social Security Proposal on Women
March 2006 The Impact on Families of the President's Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Proposals
February 2006 The President's Savings Proposals: Bigger Tax Breaks but Less National Saving
January 206 Association Health Plans: The Wrong Medicine for Small Businesses' Health Insurance Ills and no Help for the Uninsured
January 2006 Administration's Proposed Tax Deduction for High-Deductible Health Insurance: A Boon to the Healthy and Wealthy but No Help for the Uninsured
January 2005 The Bush Economy: The Facts Behind the White House Facts
December 2005 Joint Economic Committee 2005 Annual Report: Ranking Minority Member's Views and Links to Minority Reports
December 2005 The Impact on Families of the House and Senate Spending and Tax Reconciliation Provisions: A Preliminary Analysis
November 2005 Fact Sheet: The Impact on Families of the House Budget Reconciliation Package
October 2005 Two-Tiered Pension System Protects Executives, but Not Average Workers
October 2005 Improving Defined Contribution Pension Plans
September 2005 Potential Economic Impacts of Hurricane Katrina
September 2005 Poverty Rate Increases for the Fourth Consecutive Year
September 2005 Household Income Unchanged in 2004, But Down Since 2000
September 2005 The Number of Americans Without Health Insurance Grew by 860,000 in 2004, Increasing for the Fourth Year in a Row
June 2005 Getting Real about Welfare Funding: The Costs of Sustaining Current Policy Are Not Program Expansions
June 2005 Deficits and the Dollar
May 2005 How the President's Social Security Proposals Would Affect Late Baby Boomers
May 2005 What if President Bush's Plan for Cuts in Social Security Benefits Were Already in Place?
April 2005 The Negative Impact of Private Accounts on Federal Debt, Social Security Solvency, and the Economy: Executive Summary
April 2005 The Negative Impact of Private Accounts on Federal Debt, Social Security Solvency, and the Economy
108th Congress Reports Archive